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Minutes of the Board of Advisors Monthly Meeting held March 5, 2024, at the Democratic Party Headquarters, on 2120 North Circle Dr.


Call to Order: President Mesha at 6:01pm

Present: Sean Gooden (Acting Treasurer), Michael Robertson (Emperor 48), Roy Merkle (Vice President), Joseph Shelton (Public Relations chair), Ed Sanders (Recording Secretary), Mesha Narie Fierce (President), Alexis Rave (Empress 48), Steven Grantham (Emperor 47 regents co-counsel), Justin Johnson (Corresponding Secretary), Sable Gordon (Queen Mother), Autumn Quinn (Membership Chair).

President’s Report: No Report Given.

Vice President’s Report: No Report Given.

Treasurer’s Report: Written report (attached) shows a balance of $18,719.65. Reign 48 Funds totaled $7189.08, and the travel fund remains at $757.00. The various breakdown of categories is reflected in the written report. Joseph made a motion to accept the treasury report as written and Steven seconded the motion. All in favor save for 2 abstentions.

Recording Secretary Report: We are adding resources and community events to the website, a lgbtqia+ resources page is being worked on. Steven motioned to accept the February 2024 meeting minutes and Justin seconded the motion. All aye but one abstention.

Public Relations Chair: Joseph Shelton is actively seeking corporate sponsorship and presented the board with a chart of our organizational structure suitable for publishing.

Membership Chair: Autumn Quinn reports 69 paid members and she and Joseph are going to Albuquerque for St Patrick’s day celebrations.

State of the Reign 48 Report: Michael Robertson and Alexis Rave outlined upcoming events for reign 48. Denver’s Coronation is March 29-31 (easter weekend). The monarchs are also traveling to Oklahoma for coronation on April 5-7. Red-Ribbon Ball is coming up on April 19th at 6 pm. A motion was made by Joseph and seconded by Steven to allocate $300 for tickets to Red-Ribbon Ball on behalf of the monarchs so they will be able to attend. All were in favor of the motion. April 26 is our next show/dinner at the VFW post in Fountain. After discussion, it was agreed to move the venue for Black and White Ball to the Pikes Peak Metropolitan Community Church, 1102 S. 21st Street, and to move PR Ball to VFW post 6461 in Fountain, CO On August 24, 2024.

Corresponding Secretary Report: Justin Johnson needs to be trained to use mailchimp email program. He is set up now with credentials and Ed is meeting with him shortly.

State of the Regents Report: Various event ideas and venues were discussed including nova-west, and bingo at the new q.

Old Business: Welcome to the new board members recently added and welcome to the new treasurer, Bobby Steinborn.

New Business: Little Miss Story April 7 from 3-6 pm, UCCS Tea on April 5 from 4-530, Red Ribbon Ball April 19, 2024. Black and white ball will be a pot luck, byob and performers are needed, see the Monarchs. Grievance procedures were discussed.

Community Comments: It was noted that grievances need to be submitted in a timely manner and one should wear your given crown for walks. Sean Gooden is working on the tri-fold.

Next Meeting: The next board of advisors monthly meeting was scheduled for April 9, 2024 at 6 pm and later determined to be at the Fountain VFW Post 6461.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05



Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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