UCPPE and my candidacy for Emperor 49
Dear Members and Friends,
My name is Joseph (Joe) Shelton, and I am proud to be running for Emperor 49 of our great organization. Over the last two months, I’ve had the honor of meeting many of you, learning about your experiences, and hearing about the incredible work you’ve done within the court system. These conversations have reminded me what our court is truly about.
For me, it all comes down to my version of the acronym UCPPE: Unification, Community, Perseverance, Passion, and Everyone. These values are the foundation of why I am running for Emperor. Our court holds a rich tapestry of history, built not by individuals alone, but by a unified community of activists and advocates coming together to create change. That is the spirit of this organization and why it holds a special place in my heart.
My campaign has been a little different from those of other candidates in prior years. While many campaigns focus heavily on raising funds to demonstrate financial capability, I have chosen to focus on raising community. My two events reflect that vision:
Draft Beer Event – This event, which raised $1 for each draft beer sold, was designed to encourage members of our community to come together, sit, and connect.
Trunk or Treat – This was an opportunity to provide a safe and fun space for our community, especially for our youth and families, to come together and celebrate.
Although I may not have raised thousands of dollars, I did something equally significant. I upheld a core part of our mission by providing social and charitable activities for the benefit of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community. These experiences reflect the type of Emperor I hope to be—one who brings us closer, strengthens our bonds, and nurtures the essence of community.
As we stand on the eve of electing the next monarchs, I want to acknowledge my fellow candidates, Autumn Quinn and Sean Gooden. Each of us has worked tirelessly to demonstrate how we plan to serve this organization. No matter the outcome, I am confident our court will be led with grace and prosperity in the year to come.
The election will take place tomorrow from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. You can vote in person at Stir Coffee and Cocktails (2330 N Wahsatch Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80907) or online at https://forms.gle/B7BuMTghhKeP9Wso9. However you participate, I encourage you to make your voice heard and help shape the future of this cherished organization.
I hope I have earned your support and demonstrated the commitment I will bring if given the opportunity to serve. If you’d like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to reach out by email, call or text at 719-290-0440, or visit ElectJosephShelton.com.
Thank you for your time, your dedication, and for allowing me to be part of such an incredible community.
With gratitude and hope,
In service to UCPPE,
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