boa meeting minutes

regents meeting 09132020

Regents present: Nona Capace; Jack Murphy; Mark Merriman; John Hild (Wanna Lee); Ramiyah Deveraux; Sean Burns; Daddy Bruce Littrell; Duane Thompson; Andrew McQueen; Lauren Ashley; Roy Merkle; Shelby Moorehead; Steven Genschork;  

BOA and members present: Water Xaris – President; Adam Martinez – Vice President; Mesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44; Autumn Quinn – Empress 44; Matt Gomez – Prince Royal 44; Sable Gordon – Co-Regent Counsel; William St.Pierre – Membership Chair; Ed Sanders – Web Master 

Reign 41

This page was most recently updated on August 3rd, 201841 Emperor Water Xaris Empress Koriandir Xaris Prince Royal Chris Morgan Princess Royal Ramiyah Devereaux The Final Line of Succession: Princess Royal Ramiyah Devereaux, The Exalting Spirit of Positivity and Laughter Prince Royal Chris Morgan, The Lascivious Guardian of Fun and Read more…