This page was most recently updated on May 3rd, 2019
Please find the Current Protocol of the United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire, in PDF format:
The Monarchs of the UCPPE His Royal, Sovereign Imperial Highness, Prince Royal 1: Frank Whitworth Wimberley
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Princess Royal 1: Mary Davis
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Gran Pierre Emperor 1, Lord Protector of the Sun, Emperor Emeritus 1: Shel Anderson
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Gran Dame Empress 1, Origin of the Peak, Lady Protectress of the Sun for Life, Dowager Empress 1: Nicki Lee
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Prince Royal 2: Buddy Brokaw
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Emperor Emeritus 2: Cliff May
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Dowager Empress 2: Viv Alcantara
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The First Ebony Prince for Life, Prince Royal 3: David “Sugar Bear” Connors
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army Retired, The Owl and Stag Emperor, Grand Emperor Emeritus 3: Jim Brazell
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Regent Dowager Queen Mother, Co-Founder of the Order of the Lion, Recipient of the Jim Brazell Owl and Stag Award 2011, The Doe Empress, Grand Mamere, Dowager Empress 3: Roxie Rose Fox His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Prince Royal 4: John Stewart
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Princess Royal 4: Dana Wortinger
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, King Father Emeritus, The Falcon Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 4: Geno Riddle
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Lady Protector of the Throne for Life, Queen Grandmother of the Imperial Court of Southern Colorado, The Cactus Flower and Queen of the Silver Dollar, The Silver Dove Empress, Dowager Empress 4: Lilly Langtree
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Prince Royal 5: David Bates
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Liberty Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 5: Peter D. Quick
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 2, Regent Dowager Queen Mother, The Queen Bee Empress, Dowager Empress 5: Lady Bubbles
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Princess Royal 6: Kay Patrick
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Emperor of Strength, Emperor Emeritus 6: Keith Nicks
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness: Prince Royal 7: Donald Duncan
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, First Lady to Emperor 7 for Life, Princess Royal 7: Jedene
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of The Jim Brazell Owl & Stag Lifetime Achievement Award 2017 and The Ed Sells Heart and Soul Award 2017, The Rainbow Emperor, ICRME’s Ambassador to Denver & Mexico Emperor Emeritus 7: Bill Swearengin
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Unicorn Empress, Dowager Empress 7: Fran
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Princess Royal 8: Ann Cagel
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, King Father Emeritus, The Prosperity Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 8: Tim Holt
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, King Father Emeritus, Founder of the Order of the Lion, The Lion Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 9: Bobby Steinborn
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 5, The Pussy Cat Empress, Dowager Empress 9: Lois Lane
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Teddy Bear Prince, Prince Royal 10: Rusty Fuller
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Princess Royal 10: Debbie Moran
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Emperor Emeritus 10: David Guitterrez
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Imperial Diamond Heart Empress, Dowager Empress 10: Kelly Turner
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Panda Bear Prince, Prince Royal 11: Reverend Cher Pennington
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Sainthood for Life Award 2010 and 2014, the Regents Award 2010, the Spirit Within Award 2017, The Cadillac Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 11: Duane Thompson
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 3, The Living Legend of All Legends to All Empresses for Life in Southern Colorado, The Legend of the Peak, The Gold Butterfly Empress, Dowager Empress 6 and 11: Tracy Diane
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Princess of the Night, Princess Royal 12: Beverly Hills
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince Royal 9, The Phoenix Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 12: Jeff Dilworth
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Jade Dragon Empress, Dowager Empress 12: Erica Courtland
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince Royal 8, The Wizard Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 13: Danny Entler
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Princess Royal 9 & 11, The Freedom of the Yellow Rose, Dowager Empress 13: Miss Barbara Grannis
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Shadow Prince, Prince Royal 14: Kevin Conboy
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Mickey Mouse Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 14: David Eidson
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Colorado Columbine Prince, Prince Royal 15: Chris Jones
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Lord and Master of Strength and Determination for Life, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2001, the Sainthood for Life Award 2001 & 2002, the Regents Award 2004, the Lord of Strength and Honor Award for Life 2009, The Silver Ram Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 15: Mark Merriman. Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Absolute Beauty of the Heart, The Lady Empress, Dowager Empress 15: Anita Ramona Baez
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince Royal 13, The Gilded Tusk Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 16: Dennis Lewis
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the John Renn Award 1991, The Black Diamond Empress, Dowager Empress 16: Sasha Dior
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Pride of the 16th Reign, The Leather and Crystal Prince, Prince Royal 16 and Regent Emperor 16: Bleau (Blue) Beamer
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Ebony Crystal Butterfly Princess, The Black Diamond of the Peak, Princess Royal 13 & 16 and Regent Empress 16: Bubblin’ Brown Sugar
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Leather Papa Bear Prince, Prince Royal 17: Papa Doc Buettner
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Golden Silhouette Princess, Princess Royal 14 and 17: Wanna Lee
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Imperial Entertainer to All Emperors and Empresses, The Mystery and Magic of the Peak, The Sapphire and Crystal Pegasus Empress Dowager Empress 17: Tammi Lynn Noelle
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Diamond Teddy Bear Princess, Princess Royal 18: Aviva Diamond
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Strength of the Golden Stallion, Emperor Emeritus 18: Rick Martinez
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the John Renn Award 1993, The Pride of the Peak, The Neon Firefly, Dowager Empress 18: Chris Lee
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Spirit Within for Life Award 2003, the Sainthood Award 2006 & 2011, the Aurora Borealis Award 2008, the Regents Award 2009. 2014 Recipient of the International Court Council Lifetime Achievement Award. The Jack of Clubs Prince, Prince Royal 19: Marlow Murphy Cornejo Mathmaticus
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 2011, the Regents Award 2008, The Patchwork Princess, Princess Royal 19: Audrey Murphy Cornejo De La Chalet
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The White Bengal Tiger, Emperor Emeritus 19: Stanley Wright
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Spirituality of the Peak, The White Lotus Flower Empress, Dowager Empress 19: Kristy Michaels
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Prince of Scottish Pride, Prince Royal 18 and 20: Greg McAllister
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Emerald Green Teddy Bear, Emperor Emeritus 20: Sam Relaford
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince of Love and Dedication to the Realm for Life, Ambassador of Spiritual Healing to the 17th Reign, Prince of Love and Dedication for Life, The Amethyst Iris Emperor, Regent Emperor 20: Ed Sells Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Absolute Empress for Equality, The Sparkle of the Peak, The Aurora Borealis Peacock Empress, Dowager Empress 20: Alexis De Mone’
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Shadow of the Dragon Lady, The Coyote Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 21: Kevin Kane
In Memory of Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Ruby Red Dragon of Wisdom & Unity, Dowager Empress 21: Rebekka Ryanne
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Sterling Silver Guardian of Courage for Life, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 2004, the Aurora Borealis Award 2004 & 2005, the Diamond of Excellence Award 2007, the Regents Award 2009, Citizen for Life of the Desert Empire in Las Vegas NV, Defender of Virtue and Honor, The Silver Mustang Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 22: Don Lacey
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Empress of Love, Life and Liberty, The Golden Persian Cat Empress, Dowager Empress 22: Kitty Litter
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 1999, Princess Royal 23: Bernice Ryanne Divine Litter
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 21, The Future of the Peak, The Fire & Ice Phoenix Empress, Dowager Empress 23: Natasha Ryanne
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Gray Granite Wolf of Stability and Friendship, Prince Royal 24: Craig French
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Mother to All Empresses for Life, The Crystal and Ruby Unicorn of Dignity, Princess Royal 24: Ariel Lee McEntire
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Empress I Jose’ Honors Award 2002, The Fire and Ice Phoenix for Life, Recipient of the Spirit Within for Life Award 2010, the Lord of Strength and Honor for Life Award 2011, King Father of All Southern Colorado for Life, The Malachite Eagle of Integrity, The Millennium Emperor, Emperor 38 ½ In Realm, Emperor Emeritus 24: Michael Cornejo
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Imperial Entertainer to All Emperors and Empresses, Recipient of the John Renn Award 2001, Recipient of the Diamond of Excellence Award 2017, The Pink Sapphire Barbie Doll Empress, Dowager Empress 24: Lauren Ashley
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2000 & 2002, The Copper Fox Prince, Prince Royal 25: Tim Myers
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the John Renn Award 2002, Enchantress of Dragons, The Mystical Amazonian Princess, Princess Royal 25: Sasha De’Ore
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince Royal 12 & 22, Papa to All Empresses for Life, Papa to All Colorado Emperors for Life, Lord and Master of Service and Devotion to the United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire for Life, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 1996 & 1998, the Sainthood Award 2000, the Diamond of Excellence Award 2005, 2008, 2009 & 2010, the Sainthood for Life Award 2011 & 2015, the Lord of Strength and Honor for Life Award 2010, Regent Appreciation award 2012, Citizen for Life of the Desert Empire in Las Vegas NV, 2014 Recipient of the International Court Council Lifetime Achievement Award. The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Emperor of All Southern Colorado, Sterling Silver Wolf Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 25: Ralph Chapman
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of: The Sainthood Award 2009, The Aurora Borealis Award 2010, The Regents Award 2016, The Spirit Within Award 2016, Dowager Queen Mother for Life, The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Empress of All of Southern Colorado, The Blue Sapphire-Eyed Silver Dragon Empress, Dowager Empress 25: Kassondra McEntire
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Lord of Undying Service and Excellence for Life, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 1998 & 2001, the Aurora Borealis Award 2004 & 2005, the Lord of Strength and Honor Award 2001, the Diamond of Excellence Award 2007, Citizen for Life of the Desert Empire in Las Vegas NV, The Blue Sapphire Dolphin Prince, Prince Royal 26: Rick Rhody
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Lord Protector of All Empress’ for Life, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 2003, the Regents award 2004, Lord Protector of Unicorns and Leprechauns, The Emerald Shamrock Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 26: Jack Murphy
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The White Opal of Enchantment and Integrity, The Benevolence of the Peak The Dream Catcher Empress, Dowager Empress 26: Phyllis Dawson
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Amazon Fairy of Stilettos and MicroMinis, Princess Royal 27: Jamie Von D
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince Royal 21, Recipient of the John Renn Award 1999, The Imperial Mentor to Emperor 36 for Life, The Broadway Baby, Emperor Emeritus 27: Charlie Davenport
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 20, The Black Panther Empress Dowager Empress 27: Shonte’ St. Andrews
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Grand Duke for Life to Empress 27, Prince Royal 28: Paul Parson
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Imperial Grand Duchess for Life to Empress 24, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2003, Princess Royal 28: Mikala Rah
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Driver to All Empresses for Life, The Silver Dragon Blood Stone Emperor of Passion and Nobility, Emperor Emeritus 28: James Gideon
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Regent Dowager Queen Mother, The White Rose, The Dove and Lavender Rose, The Eternal Rose, The Triple “Poof” Empress of the Peak, Dowager Empress 8, 14 and 28: Lyda Rose
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 2005, the John Renn Award 2005, Mistress of Mirth and Mayhem, Princess Royal 29: Ghetta Cannon
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Lord of Strength and Honor for Life Award 2003, the John Renn Award 2004, The Strength, Charm, and Character of All Southern Colorado’s Rockies and Plains, The Golden Buffalo Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 29: Marc L. Callan
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 26, Receipt of the Sainthood Award 2009, The Queen of Diamonds, The Jewel of the Rockies, The Crystal Diamond of the Peak, Dowager Empress 29: Dorian Lord
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Bull of the Peak, Prince Royal 6 and 30: John Lendenmann
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2006, The Emerald Bat Princess, The Ruby Red Triple X-Rated, Something up in there, Black Rose Princess, Princess Royal 22 and 30: Felicia Charles Ryanne Litter McEntire
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Triple “X” Emperor of Love, Strength and Integrity, The Silver Fox Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 30: Jeffrey Mitchell
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Sainthood for Life Award 2009, The Emerald Green Cheetah of Fun and Laughter, The Triple “X” Elegance of the Peak, Dowager Empress 30: Olivia Ryanne McEntire
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Prince Royal 29, The BlackOnyx Wolf of Passion, Charity & Equality, Protector & Defender of the “Boricua” Spirit, The Puerto Rican Cowboy, Emperor Emeritus 31: Miguel Navarro-Garcia
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The 23-Karat Diamond Dolphin Emperor, Emperor Emeritus 23, The First Emperor to be Elected Empress of All Colorado, The Legend of the Rudy Red Dragon, The Pride & Distinction of the Peak, The Diamond-Eyed Dolphin Empress, Dowager Empress 31: Sharin Peters
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Ruby Slipper, Keeper of Hopes, Dreams and all things Possible, Princess Royal 32: Dorothy Cannon
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Absolute 10-Karat Gold Nugget Emperor of Everything Disney, Emperor Emeritus 32: Mark East
In Memory of His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of the Lord of Strength and Honor Award for Life 2004, The Golden Stripper of All Colorado, The Blue Pegasus of Dedication and Friendship, Prince Royal 27 and 33: Tim Parham
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Diamond of Excellence Award 2011, The Red-Eyed Gargoyle of Leather and Lace, Emperor Emeritus 33: Nona Capace
Empress 33: Removed per title holders request
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Ruby Red Raspberry Prince for Life, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 2006, The Lord of Strength and Honor for Life 2012, The Regal Rasberry Prince, Prince Royal 34: Rett Rasberry
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2009, the Diamond of Excellence Award 2015, the John Renn Award 2009, the Regents Award 2011 2014 & 2015, The Emperor’s Sainthood Award 2013, The Lord of Strength and Honor for Life Award 2015, The Black Star, Tiger Emperor, the Legend of the Seven Colors, the Son of the Malachite Eagle and Pink Barbie Doll, Emperor Emeritus 34: Sean Gooden.
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 33, The Golden Rose of Strength and Dedication, The Green Empress of the Peak, Imperial Dowager Empress 34: Miss Candy Omigosh, Gonzalez, Valencia, Rose
His Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Highness, the Lion Prince for Life, the Crystal Cobalt Blue Lion, Prince Royal 35: Anthony Garcia Omigosh Cornejo.
Her Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Highness, Recipient of the John Renn Award, 2011, the Amethyst Harley-Davidson Princess of Chrome and Leather, the Enchanted, Silver-Tongued Princess, Princess Royal 35: Rebecca “Red Hott, the Real Deal,” Hanchar.
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Keeper of Empress 32’s Heart for Life, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2015, The Black Opal Scorpion of Honor and Passion, Emperor 35: Roy Merkle
His Most Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Royal Son to Emperor 35 for Life, The Blue Sapphire Eyed Snow Leopard, Emperor 36, Tori Cuddigan
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, The Brilliant, Golden Lion of Absolute Integrity to the House of DeBeers-de Bears, The Imperial Knight of Strength and Courage to Empress 35 Sable Gordon for Life, The Golden Amber Eyed Celtic Lion Brat Prince, Prince Royal 37 Creede McQueen Cornejo Litter Murphy McIntire His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Co-Founder of the Blazin’ 7’s, Member of the Surviving 7’s, Beloved Son of the House of the Fallen Angels, 9th Lord to the Clan of the Sun Fire Lion, Son of Frivolity and Whimsy to the House of the Eagle Spirit, Member of the Lollipop Guild, Brother in the House of Murphy, CP of the House of PP, Citizen for Life of the Royal Court of the Golden Spike Empire, First Recipient of the Imperial Court of Nebraska’s Guardian Angel Award, Emperor 8 ½ of the Imperial Sovereign Empire of Arizona, Brother for Life to Emperor 29 of The Empire of The Royal Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Single Star, Inc., Honorary Texas Emperor, Co-Founder of the Royal House of Disney, Prince Royal 36, Recipient of the Sainthood for Life Award 2017 and the Regents Award 2017, The Disney Christmas Carol of Mirth, Humor and Friendship, The Legendary and Magnificent, The Timeless and Elegant, The Deviant, Emperor Emeritus 37, Carroll Feinstien Morehead Murphy Hillebrand
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Member of the Lollipop Guild, Empress 26 ½ of the Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of the Texas Riviera Empire, Empress 21 ½ of the United Court of the Sandias, Sister in the House of Murphy, The Diamond and Emerald Encrusted Butterfly of Laughter, Strength, Agility and Determination, The Legendary and Magnificent, The Timeless and Elegant, The Resplendent of the Peak, Sainthood for Life 2014, 2016, Dowager Empress 37 Leandra “Tini Peters” Ledbetter
His Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Highness, The Diamond Dolphin of Excellence and Energy for Life, The Black Onyx Dragonfly Prince, Recipient of the Lord of Strength and Honor for Life Award 2011, the Regents Award 2007, The Triple Threat Prince, Prince Royal 23, 32 and 38: Mr. Doug Lewis
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2017,The Royal Crystal Bleau Horned, Sapphire Heart Rhino of Loyalty, Strength and Compassion, The “Holy Crap! He’s Back,” the Limited Edition Son of Sharin Peters, Emperor 9 ½ of Arizona, the White Socks Lava-Lamp Emperor, Prince Royal 31 and Emperor Emeritus 38: Mr. Jesse Brackin
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, The Jade Green Bird of Paradise, Member of the Classy Ladies and Pretty People Society, Member of the House of Whor-rez, The Transformation and the Energy of the Peak, Dowager Empress 38, The Electric, Miss Adraine-Chapman- Powers
His Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, King Father Emeritus, Daddy Bruce for Life, Recipient of the Lord of Strength and Honor for Life 2009, the John Renn Award 1996, The Entertainer Emperor, the Golden Emerald Minotaur of the Healing Springs of Mt. Manitou, Emperor Emeritus 17 and 39: Daddy Bruce Littrell
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Majesty, Princess Royal 15 and 31, The Emerald Carousel Princess, The Emerald Amethyst Iris of Love and Compassion, The Queen of the Hoover Dam, Queen Mother of All Southern Colorado for Life, The Energy of the Peak, The Quadruple Crowned Empress of the Peak, The Red, Ruby Dahlia of Grace, Creativity and Strength, Dowager Empress 32, 35 & 39: Sable Gordon
His Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the Sainthood Award 2017, Son-In-Law to Emperor 35 for Life; The Imperial Gentleman of Commitment and Compassion to the UCPPE for Life; Member of the House of the Broadway Baby; Member of the House of Adorables Member of the House of the Black Opal Scorpion; The Time Piece Prince, Prince Royal 39. The Exquisite Preeminent Blue Sapphire Gentleman. Champion of Good Manners and Etiquette. The Deviant. Emperor Emeritus 40, Travis Butts Chapman Davenport Murphy Henderson
Her Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Majesty, Prince and Adopted Son to Empress 35 for Life; Esteemed Daughter in the House of the Broadway Baby; Member of the House of Adorables; Daughter of Grace to the House of the Eagle Spirit; Heir to the House of Moorehead; The Fire and Ice Lotus Princess; Princess Royal 37 & 39. The Preeminent Ruby Red Lotus of Promise. The forthright, from the hip, lay it on the line, say it like it is, speaking freely, Thunder of the Peak. Dowager Empress 40: Shelby “Drink Your Juice” Butts Gordon Chapman Murphy Givin Moorehead.
His Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Highness, Prince aficionado of fine wear, theatrical reveals and the almighty hand fan; Disciple of dedication, passion and unwavering loyalty; The Lascivious Guardian of fun and frolic, Imperial Titanium Gentleman for Life, Prince of Snow 2016, Recipient of the Aurora Borealis Award 2016, Concubine to Denver’s Reign 42 for Life, Prince Royal 41, Little Brother Chris “Your Grace!” Gooden Morgan
Her Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, Recipient of The Sainthood Award 2016 The Golden Eagle, Plus-Size, Glamazon Princess of Beauty, Grace and Glamour, The Thick Madame of the I-25 Corridor, The Legendary Princess of Hispanic Pride, Member of the Classy Ladies and Pretty People Society, Princess Royal 34, 38 & 41: Ramiyah “Remember My Name” Devereaux-Furr
His Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Majesty, The Amber eyed warrior of the lycan moon, Guardian of love and light; The gender blended Emperor of hope, inclusion and community; Imperial son to Emperor 30 Royce Wood, of Houston, Member of the house of Blue, Member of the house of Whorez, The fire of the Dragon in the house of the Silver Dragon, Member of the House of the Black Opal Scorpion, 4th husband in the house of Wynn, Honorary Texan to Her Majesty Empress Selena Whorez, Little brother to Emperor 37 Selwyn Sarlow and Empress 37 Tracey Willingham of the Imperial Court de Fort Worth/ Arlington Inc.; Little brother to Empress 9 Keri Jo Allen of the Imperial Court of All Oklahoma Inc.; Brother to Emperor 33 of Houston Cubby Christopher Prado, Member of the house of the Napoleonic fun sized Emperors, Member of the house of the Eagle Spirit, Emperor 25 1/2 to Emperor Leonidas Daniels of the United Court of the Sandals, Prince Royal 40, The Deviant, Emperor 41 Water J. Devereaux Gooden Gordon Wood Whoraz Chapman Deleon Valencia Cornejo Xaris.
Her Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Majesty, Princess of Snow 2015: The Pink Sapphire Phoenix, the Synergy of Authenticity and Empowerment, the Fae Princess, the Jeweled Lotus of Integrity and Selflessness: Princess Royal 40, Empress 41: Koriandir ChapmanXaris.
His Most Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Highness, Lord Chamberlain to All Furries for Life, the Orange, Siberian, Leather Tiger of Strength and Dominance, Spirit Guide to their Majesties and Protector of all Attendants, the Drama Free Prince Royal, Prince Royal 42, David Kuklin (cook lin).
Her Most Royal Sovereign Imperial Highness, the Turquoise Halo Lily, the Rainbow Unicorn of Strength, Compassion and Curiosity, Princess Royal 42, Alexis Rave
His Most Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Majesty, Recipient of the John Renn Award 2015, the Amethyst Eyed Timber Wolf Timekeeper of Passion and Integrity, Emperor 42 Charley Fox
Her Most Royal, Sovereign, Imperial Majesty, Recipient off the Aurora Borealis Award 2014, Grand Czarina for Life to Empress 39, Sable Gordon; the Redneck Empress, the Lavender Lily of Strength and Compassion, the Golden Heart of the Peak, Empress 42 Antoniette Lily
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Council of Regents and Lifetime Title Holders of the United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire of Colorado Springs, Colorado