
This page was most recently updated on April 19th, 2023

Join Us!

Please join the UCPPE! Dues are only $25 annually due every May 1st.

Benefits of Membership. Court membership shall entitle members to the following benefits: 

  1. A hard copy of the quarterly newsletter mailed upon request,that shall contain pertinent information, such as calendar of events and minutes. 
  1. A copy of these By-Laws and or the Treasurers report, by request 
  2. Discount rates for various court functions, at rates to be approved by the Board of Advisors. 
  3. Discount rates on Coronation Program Ads 
  4. Members will be provided with contacts to subcommittees that will have specific group activities in mind, i.e. camping, skiing, hiking, bowling, entertainment, etc.  [See Proclamation by Emperor IX, Bob Steinborn.] 
  5. Voting rights at General Membership Meetings 
  6. Eligibility to walk with your UCPPE title and represent the Organization at public functions 
  7. Eligibility to receive Anniversary pinsladders and regalia and to take Anniversary walks   
  8. Eligibility to participate with the running or calling of Bingo or Raffles 
  9. Eligibility to run for a UCPPE BOA position 
  10. Eligibility to run for the position of Emperor, Empress or Emperex 
  11. Eligibility to serve as a member on a line of succession  
  12. Eligibility to be nominated/selected for the position of PR 

Your dues help us host events, and fund costs to maintain our organization.

If you would rather mail in your check and following form:

Just print the above form and mail to the UCPPE.