Letter from Empress XLI, Koriander Xaris:
As Christmas draws close and the New Year looms ever closer, it is my pleasure to chat a little about upcoming events. We have many exciting events in store for our court and the community. The staples will continue, which is to include Bingo at the Underground Pub, and performance shows at the Club Q and the Underground Pub. Please see details for dates and times on the events calendar.
One of our Regent favorites, we have another casino night planned for the new year. These are such great social opportunities as well as some great gambling fun, without losing your shirt.
There will also be line meetings, Social Sundays, Board Meetings and a Regents Meeting to keep you well connected to the Current Reign and to what’s going on behind the scenes.
In January, the Emperor and Empress are delighted to represent our beloved court to the ICS by attending the Houston Coronation (Jan 13-15). It promises to be a great networking opportunity as well as a fun social time, as we both have friends on the stepping down and stepping up Monarchs. Plus, a chance to personally invite people to our coronation as well.
Let’s not forget our Second State Function, Winter Cotillion. This time-honored Reign tradition incorporates a debutante ball and contest, all the Glamour and Grace of our court’s formal functions, along with a playful Winter theme. This year it will be held February 11 at Club Q and is titled, “Winter in the Fae Garden”. It will combine ice, fairies, cold and crisp decorations, with heartwarming people and performances.
We have a lot planned, but we also have a lot needing a theme or chairperson. If you have some ideas and a desire to pitch in please contact their Majesties, post in our group, or come to one of our many events and let us know. This only works with your help and participation. We also always need bingo prizes, donations for silent auctions, sponsors for Coronation Funds, and Mentors for our line members. Please never let tip money or a ride defer you. Arrangements can always be made, and we value your presence most of all.