Board of Advisors Meeting Minutes 11-03-2024
Minutes of the Board of Advisors Meeting held November 3, 2024 at the Antler’s Hotel 10 A.M.
Present: Michael Robertson – Emperor 48, Alexis Rave – Empress 48, Autumn Quinn – Empress 49, Ed Sanders – Recording Secretary, Joseph Shelton – Public Relations Chair, Roy Merkle – Vice-president, Mesha Narie Fierce – President, Bobby Steinborn – Treasurer, Sean Gooden – Emperor 49
Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President Mesha at 10:04 A.M.
President’s Report: Mesha congratulated the new monarchs Autumn Quinn and Sean Gooden on their victory and Joseph for his work as candidate. Mesha then presented the new monarchs with the Guide for Monarchs document detailing the expectations of our monarchs in reign.
Vice-President’s Report: No Report
Treasurer’s Report: Bobby presented the treasurer’s report that as of November 2, 2024 we are near $23k in the bank and are able to pay the bills for Coronation 49. Autumn made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Sean seconded the motion. All were in favor of the motion with one abstention.
Recording Secretary’s Report: No Report.
Public Relations Report: No Report
Membership Chair’s Report: Autumn advised that we have some new members since last month.
State of the Reign Report: Emperor 49 Sean announced the dates for Coronation 50 will be November 7 to 9, 2025 at the Antler’s Hotel. Reign colors are to be gold and purple. There are plans to attend Denver’s Snow Ball and considering naming the Bar-K bar as our home bar. Prince and Princess Royals were named as Anthony Garcia and Kakaline Cornick. Motion was made by Joseph to accept the Prince and Princess and was seconded by Roy. All were in favor of the PR’s with one abstention.
State of the Regents Report: No Report.
Old Business: Coronation 49 bills were discusssed and also hospitality clean-up was discussed.
New Business: The need for early planning for fundraising for the year was stressed. Early planning for charity funds to raise each month and the need for sponsors this year was mentioned. Joseph Shelton was nominated for Public Relations chair, the motion was made by Autumn and seconded by Roy. All were in favor of the nomination with one abstention. The second Tuesday of each month at the Q at 6 pm was adopted for the regular Board of Advisors meetings.
Next Meeting: There will be no formal December Board of Advisors meeting. Next meeting will be January 14, 2025 at the Q at 6 P.M.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by President Mesha at 10:53 A.M.