January 2022 Newsletter
United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire Highest court in all the land! UCPPE Newsletter January 2022 Reign 46 Hello Friends, this issue will be brief and highlight events that are coming up on our calendar and our membership drive. Join Grand Czarina Hysteria Brooks on Saturday, January 15th 2022 for Read more…
September 2021 Newsletter
click above link to view the september 2021 Newsletter for UCPPE
May 2021 Newsletter
May 2021 Newsletter of the United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire is now ready. Ucppe is a 501c3 charity operating in southern colorado area.
January 2021 Newsletter
January Newsletter 2021 Please click on the above link to the pdf file to view. If you did not receive this email, please let membershipchair@ucppe.org know.
Newsletter Reign 45 December 2020
newsletter reign 45 issue 1 december 2020 for the united court of the pikes peak empire (UCPPE)
BOA updates 07-21-2020
As you may have seen on Facebook many issues within our community are coming to light. These issues are deeply concerning to all of us. In an effort to bridge the gap and try to mend the community the BOA and Club Q are partnering to present a series of educational workshops focusing on the issues impacting us all. The first of which is the Transgender Awareness workshop scheduled for next Tuesday night at Club Q. We have received several offers to present workshops form partner organizations as well as other courts. The complete list of courses that will be offered as well as virtual options, dates and times will be announced as soon as the schedule is solidified.
Good Evening Fellow Courtiers,
On behalf of the Board of Advisers we bring you the following updates.
~Winter Cotillion: Winter Cotillion will be held on 02/08/2019 at Club Q Doors are at 5:00pm with the event starting at 6:00pm. This year’s theme is “3 Ring Circus” and promises to be an amazing evening filled with food, fun and laughter.
~Profit and Loss Statements: Recently our treasurer presented the BOA with a graph showing the estimated profit and loss for Coronation over several years. In the interest of remaining transparent with our Regents, membership and Community this information was publicized. We will give more detail at the General Membership Meeting on how this information was compiled as well as some updates to the Coronation P&L after digging deeper into those numbers.
~BOA office updates: In our January Meeting we will look to fill the 2 positions listed below. If you are interested in any of these positions please reach out to the me via email vicepresident@ucppe.org no later than 9:00 PM January 18th.
the next BOA meeting January 19, 2019 1:00 pm at Club Q
Member at Large – Public Relations
Regent Co- Council – to be appointed by Empress 43 Anka Shayne to assist with planning and fund raising for Hospitality.
~Packet Pick up for General Membership Meeting Elections: Prior to the General Membership meeting we will hold voting for the following positions:
BOA Board President
Both positions have a 2-year term commitment. Job descriptions and requirements for both positions are listed in the policy manual on our website. If you would like to run for either position please pick up your packets January 19 from 3:00 to 6:00pm
Candidate Review for these positions: TBD
~General Membership Meeting:
Please mark your calendars for the General Membership Meeting: Sunday February 16, 2019 Gold Room Noon to 4:00 PM
Voting will be held from Noon to 1:00 PM.
General Membership meeting will follow voting at 1:15 PM The positions of President and Treasurer are open for re-election. You must be a dues paid member to vote, so please make sure that your dues are current or pay them at the door before voting. This is a great time to also update your contact information with the Membership Chair.
~By-Law changes: In accordance with ARTICLE XIX: AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS during the General Membership Meeting we invite you to submit any proposed changes to our By-Laws.
o When submitting your proposed change please remember that changes should be submitted in writing.
o Please print enough copies so that the membership can review the change before discussing and voting on it.
~Calls for Protocol:
On behalf of Reign 44 this is your first call for protocol for the following Coronations. Please message me directly with which Coronation you plan to attend.
Remember to send all updates to your protocol to vicepresident@ucppe.org
The Empire of the Royal Sovereign and Imperial Court of the Single Star, Inc (Houston TX) – January 18, 2020 ~ Coronation 36, “Northern Lights: A Winter Odyssey”
Imperial Sovereign Court of the Evergreen Empire (Bellingham, WA) – January 18, 2020 “The Reign of Cakes”
Imperial Sun Court of all Florida Coronation Two (Ft Lauderdale, FL) – January 25, 2020
Imperial Court of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN) – February 1, 2020 “Rockin’ In Rio: A Carnival Extravaganza”
San Diego Imperial Coronation (San Diego, CA) – February 8, 2020 “A Military Affair”
The Imperial Sovereign Court of all Connecticut Coronation (Windsor, CT) – February 15, 2020 Coronation XXI: “An American Horror Story”
The Imperial Sovereign Court of Seattle and the Olympic and Rainier Empire (Seattle, WA) – February 15, 2020 “A Stroll Down The Runway Lowering Heaven & Raising Hell”
The Imperial Council of San Francisco, Inc. (San Francisco, CA) – February 22, 2020 Coronation 55: “Disco in the Jungle”
Yours in service to the community,
UCPPE BOA Vice President
Emperor 41 Water Xaris
Update from the Board of Advisors 112019
Reign 43 Newsletter Issue 4
Reign 43 Issue 4 Newsletter, click on the above preview to read and download the full PDF file…4 pages long