
This page was most recently updated on January 20th, 2018

Emperor Shel Anderson
Empress Nicki Lee
Prince Royal Frank Wimberley
Princess Royal Mary


Let it be known this day, June 19, 1977, in order to insure the line of succession, we, Count I, Shel, and Countess I, Nicki Lee, do hereby decree the permanent titles “Lord and Lady Protectors of the the Throne.” We hereby invest:

His Royal Highness, Lord Sylvester Batton

Her Royal Highness, Lady Loose Lillie

So it be Spoken,

So it be Done.

Let it be known this day, June 19, 1977, throughout the land of Southern Colorado that no person need humble his or her presence before the first Count and Countess by bowing, as it is requested we stand together as equals.

So it be Spoken,

So it be Done.

Let it be known this day, June 19, 1977, that Emperor and Empress III of the Rocky Mountain Empire, Chuck and Billie shall be known from this day forth as the Father and Mother of the Court of Southern Colorado for Life.

So it be Spoken,

So it be Done.

His Most Imperial Highness, Shel Anderson

Her Most Imperial Highness, Nicki Lee

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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