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general membership meeting 02 16 2025

General Membership Meeting 02-16-2025

Join us for the United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire (UCPPE) General Membership Meeting! This is your opportunity to stay informed, get involved, and help shape UCPPE’s future.
What to Expect:
 Updates from the Board of Advisors
 Discussions about upcoming events and opportunities to lend your support
 Elections for Vice President and Recording Secretary
 Voting on by-laws and policy changes
Interested in Running for Office?
Email your intent to President@ucppe.org and submit the $15.00 application fee at https://ucppe.org/application-for-office/.
Proposing a By-law or Policy Change?
Send your intent and a policy/by-law change form to President@ucppe.org, and bring at least 12 copies to the meeting. For this form, email UCPPEPublicRelations@gmail.com.
Contact Mesha Narie Fierce, President of the Board of Advisors, at President@ucppe.org.
We can’t wait to see you there and work together to strengthen our community. Your voice matters—don’t miss this opportunity to participate!