Fundraising Divas Takeover 10-15-2022
One more UCPPE show before the new reign takes over! Come show your support and watch a dazzling show before our ZOMBIE PROM PARTY! Come out Saturday October 15 2022 show at 8 pm @ClubQ 3430 North Academy 80917
One more UCPPE show before the new reign takes over! Come show your support and watch a dazzling show before our ZOMBIE PROM PARTY! Come out Saturday October 15 2022 show at 8 pm @ClubQ 3430 North Academy 80917
Join UCPPE Candidate for Emperor 47 Steven Grantham as he hosts Bingo and a Pasta Dinner ($10 suggested donation) raising money for ucppe reign 46. Bingo only $15 a packet includes all games, dinner @ 6 pm, bingo 7 pm to 930pm $1,406 jackpot in 58 balls or less!