somewhere that's green 03-18-2023 brunch event

Somewhere Thats Green 03-18-2023

This Saturday we’re at it again! Come see us at brunch to raise money for the UCPPE. 11:00am. Luxe Daiquiri Lounge, 2945 Galley Road, Colorado Springs. It’s St. Patrick’s Day weekend, so we’d love to see y’all! Emperor 34 Sean Gooden your host with Empress 47 Hysteria Brooks and Emperor 47 Steven Grantham.

lights camera drag 02-18-2023

Lights Camera Drag 02-18-2023

Life’s a Drag and the United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire UCPPE present Lights Camera Drag! hosted by Empress 47 Hysteria Brooks, Saturday February 18, 2023 at the Luxe Daiquiri Lounge, 2945 Galley Road, Colorado Springs 80909 Email for bottle service FridaysAtLuxe@gmail.comĀ Free Entry Free Parking Free Drink