
Board of Advisors Meeting 02-18-2024 at the Democratic Party Headquarters office 

Present:  Joseph, Mesha, Sean Gooden, Autumn, Steven, Roy, Sable, Michael Anderson, Sean Anderson, Ed, Michael Robertson, Alexis, Anthony Garcia 

Call to Order:  Mesha at 3:30 pm  

President:  No Report 

Vice President:  No Report 

Treasurer:  Written report submitted, balances of $21,155.28 total, reign 48 balance $8647.00 motion to accept the treasury report made by Joseph, seconded by Steven, all in favor of acceptance. 

Recording Secretary:  No Report 

Public Relations:  Joseph reminded about sponsorships available. 

Membership Chair:  66 paid memberships reported. 

State of the Reign:  Upcoming events were detailed by Michael and Alexis. 

Regents Report:  Charities of reign 47 were discussed. 

Old Business:  Sponsorships available were discussed. 

New Business:  Mesha elected President, Bobby Steinborn elected as treasurer.  Budget for pride season was discussed, Autumn made a motion to allow $500 budget for pride season, Sean Gooden seconded, all in favor of the motion.  Various pridefest celebrations were discussed.  Venue for state events was discussed with the idea of moving from the Center for Spiritual Living. 

Adjournment:  4:33 pm by Mesha 

Next Meeting to be held Tuesday March 5th, 2024 at the Democratic Party Headquarters on Circle. 


Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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