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The United Court of the Pikes Peak Empire
Board of Advisors Meeting Minutes
Call to order: 6:02 PM
In attendance:
Ed Sanders, Steven Grantham, Matt Gomez, Carroll Hillebrand, Joseph Shelton, Hysteria Brooks,
Sean Andrews, Autumn Quinn, Mesha Narie, Sable Gordon and Nic Grzecka.
Note: This was an emergency meeting called by the BOA to address an issue from
New Mexico Coronation.
-Advisor Hillebrand Left meeting at 6:05 pm
-Discussion on the issue.
-Discussion on the correspondence between the parties involved.
-Motion to remove Advisor from the BOA and send notification of trial in 30 days. Autumn Quinn
motioned. Mesha seconded the motion.
Yes: Advisors, Grzecka, Sanders, Grantham, Gomez, Brooks, Andrews, Quinn, Narie, and Gordon
NO: None
Abstention: Shelton
-Motion to assign Nic Grzecka as recording secretary for the remainder of Reign 46. Grantham
motioned, Quinn Seconded.
Yes: Advisors, Sanders, Grantham, Gomez, Brooks, Andrews, Quinn, Narie, and Gordon
NO: None
Abstention: Shelton, Grzecka
-Motion to remove Carroll Hillebrand and assign Sean Andrews as Treasurer effective 10/3/22 for the
remainder of Reign 46. Grantham motioned and Quinn Seconded.
Yes: Advisors, Grzecka, Sanders, Grantham, Gomez, Brooks, Quinn, Narie, and Gordon
NO: None
Abstention: Shelton, Andrews
Note: Hysteria Brooks turned $10.00 into Carroll for a campaign donation before the meeting and
Sable Gordon turned $308.25 into Carroll from the reign show during Albuquerque before the
Meeting Adjourned: 7:13 PM

Ed Sanders

I am a low cost web designer who volunteers to be the ucppe webmaster, in Colorado Springs, CO


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