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Minutes of the Regents meeting held on August 25, 2024 at the Q at 2 pm, 411 Lakewood Circle, Colorado Springs CO 80910 

Present:  Rick, Don, Joe, Bobby, Nona, Sable, Deb, Emma, Duane, Alexis, Michael, Billy, Ramiyah, Steven, Matt, Anthony, Mesha, Ed, Autumn, Roxie, John Mark, Joseph 

Call to Order:  Steven called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm 

President:  Mesha introduced 3 candidates for Reign 49; Sean Gooden, Joseph Shelton and Autumn Quinn.  All Candidates show will be October 25th.  Voting will be at Stir Coffee shop again on October 27th.  November 1 is out of town show at the Q.  There will be 2 buses going to different places.  Hospitality will be Friday 12-4 and 9 pm to 2 am and on Saturday it will be 11-3 and following crowning ceremony until 2 am.  Venue for the Victory Shot party will be determined.  President Mesha would like to meet with prospective bar owners regarding our venues.  The Board of Advisors meets at the Q for now.   

Treasurer:  Bobby has received $935 from PR Ball and we have a 16K balance overall. 

Secretary:  No Report 

Public Relations:  No Report 

Membership:  Autumn gave an update on dues. 

State of the Reign:  Michael and Alexis report that PR ball went well.  They have events on August 30 from 8-10 pm (meet the candidates) and September 14 (duke and duchess ball).  They are planning to go to Albuquerque on September 20th, to Iowa the weekend after that and to Dallas coronation. 

State of the Regents:  No report. 

Old Business:  None. 

New Business:  Award nominations for Regents award were then made by: 

Sable nominating Autumn Quinn and Mesha 

Don nominated Bobby Steinborn 

Autumn nominated Ramiyah 

Nominations were then taken for the Owl and Stag award: 

Mesha nominated Adrienne 

Ed nominated Autumn 

Ramiyah nomined Anthony 

Alexis nominated Wana Lee and Mesha 

The Ed Sells heart and souls award are selected by Sable. 

Nominations were then taken for the John Renn Entertainer of the Year: 

Mesha nominated Beyonca De Leon 

Anthony nominated Autumn 

Sable nominated Connie 

The votes were taken and Don was in charge of counting them. 

Mesha advised the Regents of the intention to add the webmaster as a member at large seat in February at the Membership Meeting, and asked anyone to volunteer to be Recording Secretary.   

Sable brought up the subject of allowing felons to stay on our membership list.  Should this be a regent or a membership issue.  Discussion followed.  The issue of whether regents should decide this issue was taken for a vote with the Question being can regents decide this issue, the vote was 6 for yes, 8 for no and one abstention.  The regents were asked to help with the new reigns. 

The Regents award vote was tied 3 ways, by Autumn, Bobby and Ramiyah and another vote was taken for this between the top 3. 

Michael started a discussion about shortening titles during presentations.   

There was another tie for the Regents Award, between Autumn and Bobby and another vote was taken of the top 2.  Tie was then broken. 

Sable announced her 65th birthday party is to be September 19th at the Q at 8 pm. 

Mesha advised the the anniversary crowns quote is $400 plus shipping (ea) Mesha motioned to approve the expense and seconded by Ed.  The vote was 15 yes, 0 no with one abstention. 

Steven presented an estimate of hospitality costs at $1,300 and asked for up to $1,800 budget for hospitality.  Motion was made by Steven and seconded by Don.  Discussion ensued.  The vote was taken with 15 voting yes, 0 voting no and 1 abstention. 

Don  called a vote on the Rings, at $750 each and a $2,250 budget was requested. Mesha seconded the motion and the vote was yes 14, no 0 and 1 abstained. 

Duane advised the he and Bruce will be bartending for hospitality.   Motion was made by Sable and seconded by Steven to provide the Emperor and PR for reign 48 rings, and the vote was 14 yes, 0 no and 1 abstained. 

Mesha asked for the bus contact information and reminded to tip the drivers well. 

Next Board of Advisors meeting is September 10 at the Q at 6 pm. 

Adjournment:  Steven adjourned the meeting at 4:15 pm. 


Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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