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March 20th 2021, United Court Pikes Peak Empire Emergency Regent’s meeting

Members present: Sable Gordon, Queen Mother; Michael Cornejo, King Father; Sean Gooden, Emperor 34; Nona Capace, Emperor 33; Nic Grzecka, Emperor 44,45; Autmn Quinn, Empress 44,45; Carroll Hillebrand, Emperor 37; Matt Gomez, Prince Royal 44,45; Mesha Narie Fierce, Princess 44,45; Duane Thompson, Emperor 11; Daddy Bruce, Emperor 17,39; Kassondra McEntire, Empress 25; Doug Lewis, Prince 22,32,38

Call to order: 10:13am; Sable Gordon, Co-Council to Regents, presided the meeting.

Treasurer – Carroll Hillebrand presented the financial status more specific to the funds remaining in the money allocated for storage room expenses.

Carroll motioned to have Regents raise money to purchase a Shed not to exceed $1,200.00 to be stored in the back of Club Q, and to keep the Regalia in the possession of the Queen Mother, Sable Gordon, Dwane second, after discussion, 11 in favor, 2 abstain, motion passed.

Discussion of the vacant position for Co-Council was held. Sean Gooden nominated himself to be appointed to the position.

With no further business to discuss, meeting adjourned at 10:56am.

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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