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Regents and members present: Anthony Garcia, PR35, Ron Russell, Emperor 24, Joe Smith, Bob Steinborn, Emperor 9 KF Emeritus, Daddy Bruce, Emperor 17 & 39 KF Emeritus, Hysteria Brooks, Empress 47, Kirsten Daniels, Alex Valdez, Ed Sanders, Water Xaris, Emperor 41, Kori Xaris, Empress 41, Michael Cornejo, Emperor 24 KF, Douglas Lewis, PR 23,32,38, Sable Gordon, QM, Joseph Shelton, Sean Gooden, Emperor 34, Alexis Rave, Princess 42, Nona Capace, Emperor 33, Wanna Lee, PR 14 & 17, Steven Grantham, Emperor 47, Dee VanSyoc, Sean Andrews, Don Lacey, Emperor 22, Autumn Quinn, Empress 44 and 45, Matt Gomez, Emperor 46, Mesha Narie Fierce, Empress 46

Call to order: 2:10 PM by Regents Chair Matt Gomez

President Report – Annual Dues for membership is now due July 1st. Some grammatical errors in the by-laws are being corrected. Mesha is preparing a Quick Guide for Monarchs to be distributed to each candidate at the candidate review event to be held Sept. 6, 2023 5pm boa meeting followed by candidate review at 6:30pm. Open to the Public. Mesha is also working on a Guide for Successful Monarchs which details what the monarchs are responsible for during their year long reign.

Vice President Report – VP Roy is excused due to work.

Treasurer Report – Sean Gooden submitted a written report which is summarized: $10,533,98 total in the accounts, with $1023.74 in the hospitality account and $1,103.54 for the regency funds. Reign 47 funds were $8,825.70. Motion was made by Kori to accept the treasury report with a second by Water. All were in favor of the motion.

Public Relations – Sean Gooden reports a Regents Show to be held Thursday, September 14 at 6 PM and the Vultures Bar, 2100 E. Platte Ave.

State of the Reign Report – Steven and Hysteria outlined upcoming travel plans including Alaska coronation and Albuquerque visit. The line should all be attending Albuquerque. They also discussed the Coronation Events, the In-town show 11-9, the bus tour and out of town show 11-10, the Coronation 48 ball and Victory Brunch events.

State of the Regent Report – Matt discussed plans for hospitality and noted they need help in the form of volunteers, sponsors (corporate) and donations of food and liquor. Several regents offered to help and plan a meal. A possible budget was discussed.

Old Business – No old business to discuss

New Business – Two line members from Reign 47 addressed concerns to the Regents. Nomination and voting was held for Regent awards. Discussion of removal of reigning Monarch’s, no majority of votes to remove, Monarch’s will remain in Reign. Discussion to implement a term for King Father and Queen Mother, it will be brought up for policy change at General Membership Meeting.

Community Comments – Community comments were made by various Regents.

With no further discussion, next meeting is set for September 6, 2023 at MCC Church at 5:00 pm. The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 pm.

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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