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September 13th 2020United Court Pikes Peak Empire Annual Regents meeting 

Regents present: Nona Capace; Jack Murphy; Mark Merriman; John Hild (Wanna Lee); Ramiyah Deveraux; Sean Burns; Daddy Bruce Littrell; Duane Thompson; Andrew McQueen; Lauren Ashley; Roy Merkle; Shelby Moorehead; Steven Genschork 

BOA and members present: Water Xaris – President; Adam Martinez – Vice PresidentMesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44; Autumn Quinn – Empress 44; Matt Gomez – Prince Royal 44; Sable Gordon – Co-Regent Counsel; William St.Pierre – Membership Chair; Ed Sanders – Web Master 

Call to order: 10:54amWater Xaris, President, presided the meeting. 

Treasurer Report – Carroll presented details of the finances as well as the bank balance. Shelby motioned to transfer $1000.00 from savings to Hospitality account for this year, current funds will carry to next year. Sable second, with 17 in favor, 1 abstain, motion passed. Bruce motioned to accept the financial report, Steven second, with 17 in favor, 1 abstain, motion passed. 

click on the following links to open pdf of the treasurers reports:

September 2020 Treasurers Report – Reign Checking Acct

September 2020 Treasurers Report – Bingo Checking Acct

September 2020 Treasurers Report – Regents, Hospitality & Savings Accts

September 2020 Treasurers Report – Trvl Fund

September 2020 Treasurers Report – Special Projects

State of the Reign Report – Nic and Autumn discussed shows and recent events. Second Saturday of each month are Court shows. Third Sunday of each month are Court Brunch shows, all are encouraged to attend. Every Sunday is Queen of Hearts 6-8pm. Every Wednesday is BINGO with $5000.00 being the max and must go, $500.00 being the start of jackpot.  Autumn suggested to the reigning Empress of ICRME to host their Snow Ball at Club Q due to the lack of venues available in their area, more information forthcoming. Connection and opportunities with surrounding organizations were discussed. Recent and upcoming trainings were discussed. A Town Hall has been held in August for the community A few BOA members attended. Options to donate online via Venmo – UCPPE_CO or the UCPPE website when unable to attend events were presented and encouraged 

State of the Regents Report – Sable discussed details of an upcoming fundraiser that involves making self-made dolls and entering them in a competition in an effort to raise money in a fun way. Black and White Ball will be held at Club Q on the 10th of October. If any interest, Co-Regent Counsel is vacant and Sable Gordon could use the assistance.  

Old Business – No old business to discuss    

New Business – Water discussed recent grievances and their outcome. Shelby addressed and suggested options for participation from Regents, discussion held. Water presented the options to proceed with Reign 44 and Coronation 45 due to COVID-19: 

Option 1: Reign 44 continue another year with the following being 45, skipping a year but keeping the Reign sequence 

Option 2: Reign 44 transitions into 45 keeping the sequence aligned with years of the organization. 

Option3: The Regents elect an Emperor and Empress for 45  

Discussion was held. Shelby motioned to accept Option 2, John second, with 18 in favor, motion passed for Option 2. 

Discussion for Coronation 45 was held. It’s been decided to host an E&E Ball in place of Coronation 45 so that no Monarch misses their anniversary and to keep tradition of step down and step up between Monarch’s. E&E Ball will be held the same weekend and same location as Coronation would have been. Anniversary Monarch’s will have the option to EITHER walk and/or perform during the E&E Ball or at Coronation 46.  

Regents Awards –  

John Renn award: Nominees – Autumn Quinn 

Regent Award: Nominees – Nona Capace; Carroll Hillebrand; Sable Gordon; Water Xaris 

Jim Brazell Owl: Nominees – Lauren Ashley; Ramiyah Deveraux; Carroll Hillebrand; Nona Capace 


With no further discussion, next meeting will be next year. Time, date and location will be announced. 

Meeting adjourn at 1:18pm 

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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