February 16th 2020, United Court Pikes Peak Empire General Membership meeting
Members present: 23
Call to order: 1:02pm; Water Xaris, Vice President, presided the meeting.
Election Results- Twenty-Two members voted yes for Carroll Hillebrand for the position of Treasurer. Water presented the financial report to include the profits and losses.
State of the Reign Report – Nic and Autumn discussed the past successful events as well as upcoming events. Made emphasis on the importance of Members of the UCPPE being present for events and meetings so there is a clear understanding of Reign 44’s goal and mission.
State of the Regents Report – $539.36 was turned over to the Hospitality funds.
Old Business – Water addressed a motion that was presented last year regarding Campaign Rules and Regulations – Qualified Candidates, Nic second, discussion and details were held, with 21 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstained, motion passed. Sable Gordon mentioned that the King Father has not received his ring to date.
New Business – Discussion of the By Laws changes. Nic motioned to change the membership due date for all be on the same date, 1 May of each year, for a more feasible way to account for members paid up to date. Current paid members will roll into the next annual due date. Lucy second, discussion held, with 20 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstained, motion passed. Nic presented the Non-Binary option to Reign if elected to be added to the By Laws, Autumn second, discussion held, with 22 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstained, motion passed. Carroll addressed and motioned the option to receive the regalia of choice for Female and Male, Autumn second, discussion held, with 22 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstained, motion passed.
With no further business to discuss, next General Membership meeting will be announced at its annual time.
Meeting adjourned at 1:52pm.