Meeting Minutes
August 7 2021 boa meeting minutes
Nic and Autumn discussed details of recent and upcoming events. The Monarchs have been reaching out to members and past Monarchs for participation and/ or attendance to events.
Nic and Autumn discussed details of recent and upcoming events. The Monarchs have been reaching out to members and past Monarchs for participation and/ or attendance to events.
video starring autumn quinn empress 44 and nic grzecka emperor 44 building bears for children’s hospital
State of the Reign Report – Anka Shane detailed latest events and upcoming events. Black and White Ball was discussed and planned to be a success. Need volunteers for Colorado Springs Pride booth. Need to start advertising for Coronation. The PR’s detailed on PR Ball. Dan Alexander motioned to approve up to $500 for PR Ball, Water second, motion carried. Coronation coordination will be discussed in future meetings beginning July. Water Xaris presented a suggested packet deal for Coronation, Koriandir motioned to accept the packet presented, Mesha Narie Fierce second. Motioned carried.