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June 18th 2019, United Court Pikes Peak Empire Board of Advisors meeting

BOA present: Sean Gooden – President; Water Xaris – Vice President; Mesha Narie Fierce – Secretary; Dan Alexander – Treasurer; Candy Rose – Public Relations; Koriandir Xaris – Member at Large; Darryl Alexander – Membership Chair; Ed  Sanders – Corresponding Secretary; Anka Shane – Empress 43.

Members present: Nic Grezcka – Prince Royal 43; Chris Arends – Princess Royal 43; Carroll Hillabrand – Emperor 37

Call to order: (open meeting) 7:32pm

Vice President Water Xaris opens with a motion to lift the suspension of Natasha; Motion was moved by Koriandir Xaris, second by Dan Alexander. Discussion was held, motion carried.


Call to order: (BOA) 7:37pm

President Report- Sean Gooden opened for a motion from previous meeting to be approved. Dan Alexander motioned to accept the minutes, Darryl Alexander second, discussion was held, motion carried.

Vice President Report – No significant activity to report

Secretary Report – No significant activity to report

Treasurer Report – Financial report was presented. Water Xaris motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Candy Rose second, motion carried.

Committee Report – No significant activity to report

State of the Reign Report – Anka Shane detailed latest events and upcoming events.  Black and White Ball was discussed and planned to be a success. Need volunteers for Colorado Springs Pride booth. Need to start advertising for Coronation. The PR’s detailed on PR Ball. Dan Alexander motioned to approve up to $500 for PR Ball, Water second, motion carried. Coronation coordination will be discussed in future meetings beginning July. Water Xaris presented a suggested packet deal for Coronation, Koriandir motioned to accept the packet presented, Mesha Narie Fierce second. Motioned carried.

State of the Regents Report – Details about annual meetings was discussed. Details about the Aspen brunch was discussed.

Old Business – Wateer Xaris motioned to approved up to $300 for the Indy Awards table, Candy Rose second, motioned carried. Lay-A-Way Program was discussed. Dan Alexander proposed to bail out of the program due to lack of communication on the organization part. Pricess Royal 43, Autumn Quinn, will head the sale of “kiki” tickets.

New Business – Pride pageant was discussed, Dan Alexander motioned to approve up to $250 for crowns and sashes, Darryl Alexander second. Motion carried. Dan Alexander and Koriandir Xaris volunteered to Chair the Entertainment for future events. Water Xaris discussed details regarding raffle tickets for Coronation. Questions in regards to Anka Shane’s approval by the BOA to be Absolute Empress and reign alone was discussed. Water Xaris motioned to collect policies and By Laws in order to come up with the best resolution to this unique situation, Koriandir Xaris second, discussion was held. Six were in favor, 1 oppose, 1 abstain, motion tabled until next meeting.  Koriandir Xaris proposed to discuss the reason for the President, Sean Gooden decision to not preside and be present for the closed meeting. Discussion was held.  Candy Rose proposed opening the voting to Pueblo residents for campaign reigns. Discussion was held, Candy Rose will head the Ballot drop for Pueblo. Mesha Narie Fierce suggested a BOA retreat and team building in the near future with an invitation to the Regents and Monarchs.

With no further business to discuss, next meeting was scheduled for July 21 at 1pm. Meeting adjourned at 9:47pm.

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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