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UCPPE Board of Advisors

December 3, 2017

Present: Koriandir, Dan, Carroll, Marlow, Sean, Charley, Darryl, Antoniette, Eileen, Water

Laura excused for health reasons. Sable has car trouble and can’t attend.

Called to order 6:22 pm.

October minutes. Correction: Board can’t donate more than $300. Moved Antoniette to accept. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report: Bank statement for November not received. Current net balance for 41st reign, $14,000. Seed money already transferred to 42nd reign, so that amount is mostly OK to give away. Still some more transactions to enter, will reconcile next month. All Eventbrite disbursements have been received. Court donates travel funds from shot party and auction. Technically, that money belongs to emperor and empress for travel. In recent years, E & E have divided four ways with PRs—Antoniette and Charley agree that they will split four ways. Dan move to accept report. Motion passed.

State of the Reign: Sean Gooden appointed Corresponding Secretary. Investiture went well. Snow Ball in Denver was good event. Reign has planned state functions, Winter Cotillion Feb 3, June 9 Black and White Ball, Sept 8 PR Ball. Nov 19 had meeting with Inside Out Youth Services, would like to set up Youth Royalty Society, Board is keen on the idea. Dec 22 Christmas Party at Inside Out with Closed Show. Dec 9 donation show for Inside Out at Club Q, asking for donations of sweaters, jackets, backpacks, socks, gift card—Target, Walmart, Taco Bell, McDonald’s.

Ad approval $100 for Houston done as a phone poll—10 in favor, zero against.

Antoniette moved to spend up to $100 on ads for Albuquerque, Waco and Fort Worth, up to $150 for Denver. Motion passed.

Underground Show Dec 16, Christmas villain show. Dec 29, Superheroes vs. Supervillains show. Jan 13, Millenium Show Sara Bellum, music of the 2000s. Jan 20th James Bond Show (also Build a Bear Show) at Underground, Jan 26 Once Upon a Time at Club Q. Jan 27th Albuquerque, Antoinette and Alexis perform Enchanted Star Show. Plan to get information to Ed—he comes to line meetings and will have it on the website, or Corresponding Secretary will get information to him.

Winter Cotillion–Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cotillion, Feb 3.

State of the Regents. Upcoming travel. Upcoming events—looking for busses for Aspen Run. Smack a Star Fundraiser for Hospitality. Denver Pride Booth, Anthem hours reimbursement, Club Q, Underground, Local Restaurants. Have possession of the leftover alcohol, paper products. Coordinate with Sean on donations of bread and bakery, advertising. Carroll Show April 14th, Unturnabout Show Strikes Back, Club Q. Half to Regents half to Reign.

BOA Job descriptions. Proposals to make Corresponding Secretary responsible for ads, Facebook, social media, third Member-at-Large Games Manager. Water moves to form committee of Games Managers, one of whom is a BOA member, to have a pool of people and make sure we are in compliance. Motion passed.

Policy Manual will be ready to be presented at General Membership Meeting.

General Membership Meeting Feb 11, 2-3 voting, 3-6 meeting. Have hard copy of membership list available to prove we have a quorum. Hard copies of motions at meeting. Put motion on website. Carroll will send out letter, email and snail mail, sent out between Jan 12 and Feb 2 in accordance with ICS guidelines. President and Treasurer elections.

Koriandir moves to extend acceptance date for applications to next board meeting date. Motion passed.

Discussion about review of Board Officer candidates. Consensus is that Board will review applications, consult or question candidate later.

Website changes—

Ed wants to change provider from EarthLink. Koriandir can pass on question or email for person who did website work.

Koriandir moves to list entire reign as of step down on website, instead of just Emperor and Empress. Discussion: Reign turns in list at end of reign. Can benefit organization to have history if someone is running for office, were they on a reign. Can start going backwards if we want. Motion passed.

Eileen moves to pay for Constant Contact out of reign funds $200+. Antoinette second. Eileen abstains. Motion carries.

With website, we have 100 email addresses we can use @ucppe.org. Should standardize those as President@, RecordingSecretary@, Vicepresident@, cocouncilemperor@, cocouncilempress@, etc. Need to ask Ed, Carroll will follow up with Ed, draft policy for manual.

Policy Manual change 17-03 proposed by Carroll. Marlow takes over meeting in the interim.

Discussion: Omit “generally”. The Board in extraordinary circumstances may find it necessary to appoint other persons to fill this role. Opportunity to explain exactly what rules of decorum should be. Major point of paragraph is to list out obligations of co-chairs. Carroll accepts amendment to omit “generally.” Motion passed, Carroll abstained.

Policy manual change 17-04. Compensated rooms and tickets. Second Dan. Discussion: Current reigns have paid for tickets to coronation. Amendments: The monarchs may choose to have the co “added.”

The monarch may choose to pay for their tickets to limit the cost absorbed from Reign Funds. Remove excess a from “aaproval.” Carroll abstained.

Water amendment 17-05 to policy manual. Spirit of Hope Award. Motion passed. Water abstained.

Carroll presented policy manual change 17-06.

Ed Sells award is a Lifetime award and should be moved to Section 6.02, voted in Reign 40. Carroll abstained, motion passed.

Carroll presented policy manual change 17-07

Discussion: Amendments proposed–“This” to “with”, change email addresses to “official email addresses.” Last sentence add “election” meeting, Carroll accepted all amendments.

Motion passed, Carroll abstained.

New business—Robin from Build a Bear, $50 credit, 5 bear skins plus one accessory. Will be added to Reign 42 event. Costco sells Build a Bear gift cards discounted, could give reign more money for bears.

Water—Omaha is doing a teddy bear drive. Can we donate one of those bears to Omaha. Sean moves to allocate $30 to be spent out of reign funds to get bear ready to go and sent off. Motion passed. Carroll will donate postage.

Sean needs to do the trifold for the Reign. Sept 8 campaign kickoff, All Candidate Show Oct 26, voting Oct 28, Thurs Nov 1- Sun Nov 4 Coronation weekend. Motion passed.

Sean moved to charge $120 full page, $80 half in our coronation program. Motion passed.

Coronation prices: discussion about tiered pricing, break-even, table vote for next meeting.

Sean volunteered to design ballots for upcoming elections; Carrol will print them.

Adjourn: 8:50 pm

Next meeting Jan 7, 2 pm Underground

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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