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March 20th 2021, United Court Pikes Peak Empire Board of Advisors meeting

BOA and members present: Adam Martinez – Vice President; Mesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44, 45; Autumn Quinn – Empress 44, 45; Archie Neil – Games Manager; Sable Gordon – Regent Co-Council; Ed Sanders – Membership Chair; Matt Gomez – Prince Royal 45; Sean Gooden – Emperor 34

Call to order: 11:13am; Adam Martinez, Vice President, presided the meeting.

President Report- No significant activity to report

Vice President Report – No significant activity to report

Secretary Report – No significant activity to report

Treasurer Report – Carroll presented details for the finances and each account. Nic motioned to accept the financial report, Archie second, with all in favor, motion passed.

Committee Report – No significant activities to report.

State of the Reign Report – Nic and Autumn discussed details of recent and upcoming events. The purchase for an ad in the ICRME Coronation program was approved.

State of the Regents Report – Sable Gordon discussed potential activities for fundraising.

Old Business – Adam discussed vacancies. Sean Gooden’s nomination for Co-Council Regent was discussed. Nic motioned to veto the previous acceptance of resignation from Sean Gooden in order to grant a gracious resignation and to be accepted as the new Co-Council Regent, Carroll second, after discussion, all were in favor and Sean Gooden has been accepted and appointed for the position. Vacancy for the President was discussed. Sean Andrews discussed options for casting votes virtually. The way forward is forthcoming. Sean Gooden motioned to accept the implementation of using Google Suites for virtual election voting, Nic second, after discussion, all were in favor, motion passed.

New Business – COVID-19 restrictions and new guideline updates and action plans discussed. Elections for Vice President and Recording Secretary will be April 17, 2021.

Educational Segment – Discussion of sensitive trainings are in the plans for a Committee to take the lead and come up with activities and events (such as a Retreat) for internal training. Sean Andrews stated that Google Suites is now up and running for use, and of no cost.

With no further discussion, next meeting is set for April 17th 10am. Meeting adjourn at 12:16pm

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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