This page was most recently updated on November 25th, 2020
Emperor Keith Nicks
Empress Tracy Dianne
Prince Royal John Lendenmann
Princess Royal Kay Patrick
As EMPEROR VI, I hereby establish a new title within THE IMPERIAL COURT OF SOUTHERN COLORADO. Although titular in nature, this position will be looked upon with respect by everyone within the realm of the IMPERIAL COURT OF SOUTHERN COLORADO. This title will be known as THE QUEEN GRANDMOTHER OF THE IMPERIAL COURT OF SOUTHERN COLORADO, and will be held for life. I now present to you, your QUEEN GRANDMOTHER, Empress IV, Loose Lilly.
So it be Spoken,
So it be Done,
By the power invested in me,
Empress VI–KEITH
June 19, 1982
As EMPEROR VI, I hereby proclaim that the GRAND DUKE and the CZAR of each and every court to follow the sixth reign shall hold, for the benefit of THE IMPERIAL COURT OF SOUTHERN COLORADO, and the entertainment of the gay community in general, THE MR. RIGHT CONTEST, on January of each year.
So it be Spoken,
So it be Done,
By the power invested in me,
Empress VI–KEITH
LET it be known throughout the Empire of Southern Colorado from this day forward, 19 June 1982 that a function be held as close to the first day of Spring as possible.
THIS function is in Memory of Dorothy Brown who was laid to rest the first day of Spring, 20 March 1982.
Dorothy was a constant supporter of our gay and lesbian community for years. As request, at the time of her death, that all proceeds go to Silver Key, so shall the proceeds from these functions go to Silver Key or a Senior Citizens Home of the Courts chosing [sic]…
Love and Devotions such as Dorothy Brown’s shall live on within our commuinty.
So it be Spoken,
So it be Done,
By the power invested in me,
The Gold Butterfly – Empress VI Tracy Diane,
where as: The Positions of Emperor and Empress are elected by the Majority of the Gay Community vote
where as: In the past, the decision on Prince Royal and Princess Royal is made by one individual
where as: If for some reason a prince or princess royal should have to take over the office, it is important that they realize and know that the needs of the community and the courts are:
therefore: Anyone being appointed the titles of Prince Royal and Princess Royal that or those persons must have at least six months active service with a previous court.
So it be Spoken,
So it be Done,
By the power invested in me,
The Gold Butterfly – Empress VI Tracy Diane