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July 21, 2020

Greetings Fellow Courtiers,

On behalf of the Board of Advisers we bring you the following updates.

Black and White Ball: Due to concerns regarding COVID-19 and quarantine, Black & White Ball has been postponed and will be scheduled at a later date to be determined.

BOA Position Changes:

During the past quarter there have been some position changes with in the reign and the BOA. We wish all who have moved on to other endeavors all of the best.

Empress 34 Lauren Ashley has resigned her position as BOA Games Manager.

  • Emperor 37 Carroll Hillebrand, Princess Royal 44 Mesha Narie Fierce and Emperor 41 Water Xaris are the courts current games managers

Empress 43 Anka Shayne has resigned her position as Regent Co-Council.

  • The BOA would like to invite any interested Regent to assist Queen Mother Sable Gordon as Regent Co-Council

Emperor 44 Nic has selected Matt Gomez as his new Prince Royal we look forward to working with him for the remainder of the reign.

Our current BOA members are:

President ~ Water Xaris

Vice President~ Connie Lingus

Treasurer ~ Carroll Hillebrand

Recording Secretary ~ Mesha Narie Fierce

Emperor 44 ~ Nic Grzecka

Empress 44 ~ Autumn Quinn

Regent Co-Council ~ Sable Gordon

Member at Large Membership~ William St. Pierre

Member at Large Public Relations ~ Sean Andrews


BINGO & Raffles:

BINGO resumed weekly however; it has moved to Wednesday nights at Club Q the first games was Wednesday 07/08/2020

Doors open at 7:00 PM

Games Begin at 7:30 pm

Regular Games and regular extras are $2.00

Black Out Games $5.00

Bundles will be sold for $15.00

Our Progressive Jack Pot is starting at $100.00 call of 49 balls

Process Updates:

To cut down on cost and increase efficiently the BOA has applied for and received a new Google Suites for Non-Profits account. This will allow the BOA to work more efficiently and save the organization the annual cost of our current Constant Contacts account. We will use this platform for communication, meetings, announcements and information archives.

Stored documents such as membership list and protocol can be made viewable to membership. We will however continue to upload meeting minutes to the website so that they are fully accessible to the public.


Upcoming Training Series:

As you may have seen on Facebook many issues within our community are coming to light. These issues are deeply concerning to all of us. In an effort to bridge the gap and try to mend the community the BOA and Club Q are partnering to present a series of educational workshops focusing on the issues impacting us all. The first of which is the Transgender Awareness workshop scheduled for next Tuesday night at Club Q. We have received several offers to present workshops form partner organizations as well as other courts. The complete list of courses that will be offered as well as virtual options, dates and times will be announced as soon as the schedule is solidified.


Grievance Issues:

A Grievance was submitted to the BOA. The issues outlined are being reviewed and addressed in accordance with Article 22 of our Bylaws and Policy 7 of the Policy Manual.

Coronation Updates:

At this point we have not moved to reschedule Coronation, however, in light of COVID-19, we are working closely with our host hotel and venue to ensure that all social distancing and safety concerns are observed. We will re-evaluate the situation in the third quarter and give updates at the annual regents meeting.

As always, we invite you to attend our monthly BOA meeting the 3rd Saturday of each month currently held at Club Q at 12pm.

If you are not able to attend let myself or any member of the BOA know if you have questions or concerns, we are happy to address them with directly.

We hope that you are all staying safe in these very difficult times, as always, the BOA is here to assist you if you need us.


Yours in service to the community,

President to the Board of Advisors,

UCPPE Emperor 41

Water Xaris

Ed Sanders

I am a Colorado Springs WebMaster and UCPPE Member offering my skills as webmaster to the public at my site at https://mredsanders.net. Prince Royal 47, and Recording Secretary for the Board of Advisors.


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