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boa meeting minutes

BOA Meeting Minutes 07-09-2024

Board of Advisors meeting held 7-9-2024 at the Q, 411 Lakewood Circle, Colorado Springs  Present:  Ed Sanders – Recording Secretary, Mesha Narie Fierce – President, Autumn Quinn – Membership Chair, Joseph Shelton – Public Relations Chair, Joe Smith – Member, Bobby Steinborn – Treasurer, Roy Merkle – Vice-President, Michael Robertson Read more…

boa meeting

BOA Meeting 12-13-2021

Join the BOA (Board of Advisors) of UCPPE for our monthly meeting, open to all, at Club Q, 3430 North Academy, Colorado Springs CO at 6:00 pm on Monday, December 13, 2021

boa meeting minutes

BOA Meeting Minutes 07-08-2021

Treasurer Report – Carroll presented details for the finances and each account. Discussed the donations received for the month and Bingo remains to be a success. The money for the shed was refunded due to the donation from Matthew Haynes for 20ft space of a 40ft container he purchased and donated half to the UCPPE, which will be stored behind Club Q in a fenced area with a non-monetary lease. Nic motioned to accept the financial report, Sean A second. Motion passed.

boa meeting minutes

January 16 2021 BOA Meeting Minutes

BOA and members present: Adam Martinez – Vice President; Mesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44, 45; Autumn Quinn – Empress 44, 45; Joseph Shelton – Correspondence Secretary; Sable Gordon – Regent Counsel; Ed Sanders – Membership Chair 

genl member meeting

General Membership Meeting 2-20-2021

Here is the Zoom Link for the General Membership Meeting.

Adam Martinez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: UCPPE General Membership Meeting
Time: Feb 20, 2021 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 797 6425 5218
Passcode: 6UBnQG

boa meeting minutes

december 19 2020 BOA Meeting Minutes

New Business – Carroll presented a policy change regarding the membership dues. An increase of dues from $12.00 to $25.00 (see policy manual Policy 2 Finances, Section 3: Dues [Ref: By-Laws, Article IV, Section 4.08]); to be an active member, an individual must have dues paid in full and up to date with the annual due date of May 1st. Mesha motioned to accept the policy change to membership due date and the increase of dues, Nic second, with all in favor, motion passed. Updates and upcoming events will be a reoccurrence in the newsletter pushed out by the Correspondence Secretary. Adam discussed potential legal connections in order to establish a relationship in the event it is needed in the future for immediate action. 


boa meeting minutes

October 17 2020 BOA Meeting Minutes

Old Business – Adam discussed the Lawyer retention and the concerns for the cease and desist to protect the Reigning Monarch’s as well as the organization from slander. Researching options continues.  

New Business – Adam motioned to approve rooms for two Board members that are conducting business during the Coronation weekend, Nic second, after discussion, Nic revised the motion to approve one room for the Board’s discretion which will allow one to two members to have a room that are conducting business during Coronation weekend, Autumn second, with all in favor, motion passed. A digital script will be created for future Balls for easier access. A set standard in the event of the passing of a member was discussed, addition to the policy will later be discussed with the proper procedure. Nic motioned to donate $50.00 to the Chihuahua Foundation on behalf of Sharon Henson, Carroll second, with all in favor, motion passed. Carroll motioned to move any remaining travel funds to carry over to the next Reign as oppose to deplete and give to another account, Autumn second, with all in favor, motion passed.  


boa meeting minutes

boa meeting 09-13-2020 minutes

BOA and members present: Water Xaris – President; Adam Martinez – Vice President; Mesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44;Autumn Quinn – Empress 44; Matt Gomez – Prince Royal 44; Sable Gordon – Co-Regent Counsel; Ed Sanders – Web Master; Nona Capace – Regent 

boa meeting minutes

board of advisors meeting August 15 2020

August 15th 2020, United Court Pikes Peak Empire Board of Advisors meeting 

BOA and members present: Water Xaris – President; Adam Martinez – Vice President; Mesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44;Autumn Quinn – Empress 44 Sable Gordon – Co-Regent Counsel; Ed Sanders – Web Master 

annual membership ucppe

BOA updates 07-21-2020

As you may have seen on Facebook many issues within our community are coming to light. These issues are deeply concerning to all of us. In an effort to bridge the gap and try to mend the community the BOA and Club Q are partnering to present a series of educational workshops focusing on the issues impacting us all. The first of which is the Transgender Awareness workshop scheduled for next Tuesday night at Club Q. We have received several offers to present workshops form partner organizations as well as other courts. The complete list of courses that will be offered as well as virtual options, dates and times will be announced as soon as the schedule is solidified.  


boa meeting minutes

July 18 2020 Board of Advisors Meeting Minutes

BOA will meet September 12th permitted COVID-19, to discuss what will take place for Reign 44 with regards to U.S and State shut downs and/or restrictions amid COVID-19.  Possible postponement for Coronation 45 may be discussed in the near future. Training for Sensitivity Awareness and other classes were discussed. Nic will be attending a Town Hall August 10th, 6:00pm at Club Q, with Jasmine James and Water Xaris as moderators, all are welcome to attend. Updates to the Code of Conduct were suggested. There will be a disclaimer for adult content added to the announcement board during Bingo.  

boa meeting minutes

BOA Meeting Minutes June 20 2020

Nic discussed recent events conducted by the Reign. Black and White Ball will be set for a new date. Discussion for hosting an event for Senior Citizens with Sable Gordon being the lead, more details forthcoming. Nic motioned to approve a budget up to $40.00 to purchase material for making additional masks to sell as a fundraiser in the effort to raise money for UCPPE (with assistance from Teresa Grzecka), Carroll second, discussion held, with all in favor, motion passed. Opportunities for events at Club Q were discussed.