June 5 2023 BOA Meeting Minutes
Summary of the meeting of the board of advisors on June 5 2023
Summary of the meeting of the board of advisors on June 5 2023
Treasurer Report – Carroll presented details for the finances and each account. Discussed the donations received for the month and Bingo remains to be a success. The money for the shed was refunded due to the donation from Matthew Haynes for 20ft space of a 40ft container he purchased and donated half to the UCPPE, which will be stored behind Club Q in a fenced area with a non-monetary lease. Nic motioned to accept the financial report, Sean A second. Motion passed.
minutes of the meeting held may 15 2021 at 10 am at club q
the board of advisors meeting minutes from the 02-20-2021 meeting at the cliff house, united court of the pikes peak empire
May 17th 2020, United Court Pikes Peak Empire Board of Advisors meeting (Virtual)
BOA and members present: Water Xaris – President; Vice President – Adam Martinez; Mesha Narie Fierce – Recording Secretary; Carroll Hillebrand – Treasurer; Sean Andrews – Public Relations; William St.Pierre – Member At Large – Membership Chair; Nic Grzecka – Emperor 44; Autumn Quinn – Empress 44; Sable Gordon – Co-Regent
Call to order: 12:09pm; Water Xaris, President, presided the meeting.
President Report- No significant activity to report
Vice President Report – N/A
Secretary Report – No significant activity to report
Treasurer Report – Carroll presented details on finances and the checks and balances. Nic motioned to accept report, Sean second, with 7 in favor, 2 abstention, motion passed.
Committee Report – No significant activities to report.
State of the Reign Report – Autumn discussed past recent virtual events. Plans for future events during social distancing are in the works. Nic discussed possible candidates for the position of Correspondence Secretary. Concerns on the lack of involvement from Board Members and the support of the members of the UCPPE were discussed. Brainstorming ideas to implement safety measures and practices for future interaction in public venues.
State of the Regents Report – Sable Gordon discussed fund raising opportunities. Plans for Aspen Brunch is suspended until further notice. Tentative date for a Regents meeting (possibly virtual) for August 16th. The potential for the current Reign to continue for another year was suggested, further discussion to be held during the Regents meeting.
Old Business – Discussion of membership list and reaching out to current members as well as conducting a membership drive. Policy Manual, By Law and Donation Letter has been updated and posted. In need of a new Games Manager. The use of Google Suite for sharing and uploading files are in plans and will be further discussed and announced in the future. For Denver Pride Virtual, UCCPE will have advertisement and will have a booth set for year 2021. President will be sending the Vice President all items necessary to conduct duties.
New Business – Discussion of action plans for the needs of care packages again for the COVID-19 were discussed and tabled for the next meeting. Plans for possibly conducting a care drive for residents at the Nursing home were discussed. Nic motioned to grant Lauren Ashley in favor of a waiver to be eligible for cadency for future positions after submitting her resignation from Games Manager, Carrol second, discussion was held, voting tabled pending Lauren’s response to give a detailed reason in support of the letter she provided and if she wants a waiver. Participation and involvement from the BOA were discussed. Details for Black and White Ball to be determined, but still scheduled to be conducted. Adam motioned to grant Penni Cillen a one
time $100 for art supplies for a reoccurring show she has been conducting, Autumn second, discussion was held, with 5 in favor, 1 oppose, and 2 abstention motion passed.
Update on Overage in the reign checking account.
Recording Secretary:
Verify that updated by-laws and policy are uploaded to the website
Joshua Hart corresponding secretary
Website updates: BOA meeting schedule
Black and White Ball 06/13/2020 (tentative)
Regents: Sable & Anka
Regent participation
Fund raising water color, cake decorating, cooking class
Organize the virtual Regent meeting 08/16/2019 following the BOA meeting
BOA Meeting 11:00 am / Regent meeting 1:00pm
Membership: Bill
Organize a virtual membership drive
Work with Public relations chair on flyers for Membership drive,
Verify and update member contact information
Promote and execute the membership drive
Games Manager:
Water will send link for Games Manager training
Public Relations:
Google Suites set up and review with Water and the BOA.
COS Pridefest:
Information will be forth coming from Pridefest planning committee
Corona (COVID-19)-Kindness Campaign:
Carrol will get the contact information for a nursing home to Sable.
Sean will revise the donation letter as a request for what will bring joy.
Sable will call the nursing homes and ask how we can partner with them for this program
Autumn will do flyers for both fundraising and distribution.
Campaign Season
Campaign for Reign 45 suspended until further notice.
BOA Positions: We need a gaming manager. Water will reach out to Anka and Loren regarding their status / resignation.
With no further business to discuss, next Virtual BOA meeting is set for June 20th, at 12:00pm. Link to virtual meeting will be announced.
Meeting adjourned at 1:53pm